So many 'relationship's going on right now, on facebook a 13 year old's profiles change from 'single' to 'in a relationship' or 'it's complicated'. Other girls comment their congratulations, the girl changes her picture to one of her and the young man and then a month later her heart is crushed. Her profile is now 'single' again, her picture is of her alone, and the congratulations are now 'I'm so sorry's. Here is my question: What was the point? To give a piece of your heart away? Maybe it's only a piece, maybe it was worth it, for a couple days of holding hands, laughing together and that very first kiss. It was
only a piece of your heart. But pieces gather, pieces turn into halves and two halves turns into wholes, and soon, you will have nothing to give your true love. What was the point? How many kisses until a kiss becomes worthless? That priceless kiss at the alter becomes something less. Nothing to treasure. As Christ following girls we need to set an example of what true Love is. True love waits, true love is patient, true love knows that God is faithful. For now, we need to give undivided devotion to God. For a while longer we will have undivided devotion for the King of the universe, how incredible is that? How do you think He feels when your devotion is someplace else, someplace with a boy? Can we not wait for love and find the True Love of serving our Lord and Savior?
True Love is this; God. He created us for His pleasure, He saved us from our sins, and offers us eternal life.
True Love is in God's promise to us, a rainbow-hope for another day.
True love is in the beauty of a butterfly.
True love is in the wonder of a child.
True love is in newborns, the closest thing to heaven.
True Love is knowing that wherever we go in life, God is already there.
True love is the way God lifts us back up when we are down. His strength is with us. His forgiveness always there. The unspeakable beauty of eternal life is only a breath away. God is True Love.