Friday, April 15, 2011


Linnea. I first met Linnea on the fourth of July. She was depressed, her heart saddened from all that her life had held. The young lady she is today is so much different from the little girl I met that day. Linnea has a passion for God and a spirit filled with joy.

Linnea has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. It doesn't stop her. Linnea has read more books than I know of. Those consisting of books I never got through because I found them boring. Linnea was in her first theater show the beginning of this year. She works hard at school. She's come a long ways.

Linnea loves animals. She hopes to work in a veterinary clinic someday. She's been studing her science books and loves all the interesting facts she collects. Linnea also loves to write short stories. She also is taking piano lesson and loves it. We were given a piano last year for her, and she was so excited.

Linnea has the heart to serve. She loves playing with the babies and can't wait to be a mommy someday. I'm pround of Linnea. Proud of all she has overcome and the young woman she is becoming. Though she has her hard days like the rest of us, she moves forward and tries her hardest. I love you Linnea!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Sara can be many thing; cute, funny, beautiful, loving, kind, gentle, amazing. But she had a rough start on life that has left her with many questions. She has tried to pick up the broken pieces that past relative and situations have left her with, but questions without answer still seem to haunt her heart. Leave her broken hearted.
Sara loves to sing and she has an incredible voice. She is extremely tiny for 11 years old. She hates it when people think she is younger. She is currently in ballet and doing very well. She also loves theater and is the lead in a show this summer.

We called Sara African American once. She got mad and told us never to call her that again. She's black and full of attitude. She's in love with Jaden Smith. Oh, yes. She loves horses and is saving up to buy one someday. She has been known to tell her class to shut up and listen to the teacher.

Sara has an amazing future before her. She has a life to be lived. Sara has trouble remembering that she is not alone, she has a family who loves her. I have watched as Sara has matured a bit over time, healed and forgave. Life continues on. We laugh, we cry, and we get back up and start over again. Jesus offers us a new life through adoption. Just like Sara has a new life. Sara, I love you girl.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Trey's personality is summed up by this; He's just Trey. I'm sure those who know him would agree. He's weird. He think of weird things. Sometimes though, I wonder how he and I can think so much alike. Someone will say something and we will automatically think the same thing. Maybe it's because we share the same room. Maybe it's because we look alike. Maybe it's because we are siblings. I'm not sure.

Trey loves theater. He wants to make it his life someday. He is currently in ballet two days a week and his teacher love him. Who doesn't though? He has girls in love with him... yuck. He's just little. Look at that cute wittle face!

Trey loves Justin Bieber. I know a lot of people hate Justin Bieber, but his story has really inspired Trey. I bought Trey his album for Christmas as a joke. When he opened it, he gave me a great big hug, it was so sweet. We have dance parties in our bedrooms sometimes. Trey is a fun person to be with. He can make you laugh on the hardest day. When he is grumpy though...boy, is he grumpy. I can't wait to watch him grow into the man God intended for him to be. Trey is one of my favorite persons in the whole world. I love you, Trey.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Amy. When I think of Amy I think of perseverance. Not that all my siblings haven't persevered through the trials that were thrown at them in previous homes and places, but because there is something in her fighting against the past memories and trying to live in the moment. She's a beautiful child. I love her.

Amy is a quarter African American, although it doesn't show as much in the way she looks, it definatly shows in her attitude at times. She's really our true blond though. She the child who will be looking at something and run into the wall. She keeps us entertained. She loves play fighting with dad.

Amy is creative. She loves collecting random items and making artsy things out of them. The problem is, she collects to much. She makes all sorts of things, from crowns for the baby girls to car garages for Isaiah. She used to have a box for all the things she collected, but it has overflown several times... in fact I don't even know if the box still exists. She's a silly girl.

Amy makes us laugh. She's a joy to live with. Children like Amy impress me. Their strength and the fact that they are trying to move on. The fact that they can try. Life for adopted children isn't easy. Many people don't understand. You can't even try to understand all the heartbreaks they have experienced in the beginning of their lives. But they are couragous. They continue on with life. They hold their heads high. When they stumble they get up again. They persevere with their new lives. I love you, Amy.