Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kyla Marie

Kyla is a charcter of her own. She was the baby for 3 years before the babies came and took her spot. She can have a temper, and hates doing chores. But most of the time she is a cheerful little girl, who loves peanut butter M&M's and cookies.

Kyla auditioned for her first theater show last fall. She was cast, and has just finished her second show. She is sooooo cute on stage. She loves playing with the baby girls and they love playing with her. She can come up with quite the games.

Kyla has the cutest smile and green eyes. She has tons of freckles that pop out even more in the summer. She loves to laugh, sometimes I think she forces herself too. Kyla loves to sing songs and be silly. But I do believe her favorite thing on earth is chocolate.

Kyla had a tough start on life, just like many of my siblings. I love her sunny attitude and the way she talks. She has mutured a lot in the last few months and is becoming a lovely young lady. She is now eight and a half! Our lives have been more complete for the last 6 years that she has been our little girl. I love you, Miss Kyla Marie!


Isaiah is the oldest of our 'babies'. When he first came to live with us, he would sit in my lap all the time. He has the most beautiful brown eyes. He has a smile that could light up the room-when he's not faking his cheesiest for the camera.

Isaiah informed us that one day he's gonna be a farmer. Anna laughed at that. I could actually see it though, he kind of even looks like one to me. He is hyper most of the time, so maybe planting will help him unwind- be a refreshing thing in the future.

Isaiah is extremely smart. He does puzzles in record breaking time and he beats us in in board games. He is a ladies man. He flirts with nurses at doctor appointments and a few of my friends. Of course it's just little boy flirting and he has no idea what flirting even is. But, boy, some girls just think he's too cute. He is. He's a silly goose.

Isaiah had a rough start on life. I'm so glad he's here with us now. The eyes of a child can determine so much. How broken they were and how much healing has taken place. How much love existed in the past and how much love exists now. The mountains they've climbed and the skies they are now soaring. Where they have been and how far they have come. God is at work in Isaiah. I love you, little man!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Dilly, has a story of her own. She was 15 months old when we met her, she was the baby who captured our hearts and the reason we continued through those very difficult months. She is four years old now and her smile is still the same as that 15 month old baby girl I once knew.

Her real name is Sarah, the nickname stuck when she was just little. Dilly is a nickname of affection, a reminder of her past and our past with her. The nickname is beautiful to me. A child is worth fighting for. She's our Dilly.

She is the perfectionist in the family. She can color or paint a picture for a long time, she is careful and works steadily (unlike Anna who like to mix colors and make huge messes). She loves it when I wrap the strap to my canon rebel around her neck and let her snap a few photographs. She loves baking also... the girl is a artist in the making. I'm also convinced that she has a photographic memory, she can remember anything from a movie she watched and will spoil the movie if she's seen it once before you. She is also constantly quoting movies.

She has the greatest sense of humor. She understands a good joke and will begin her belly laughing if she thinks it's really great. Her laughter is either extremely high pitched or extremely low. I love both of them. Sometimes she even throws her head back, that makes us all laugh.

I'm just realizing that our Dilly is no longer a toddler, but a little girl. She's growing so fast. Every day I get to see her sweet smile, her dark brown eyes and hear that bellowing laughter. How blessed am I? I love you, Dilly.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Three year olds are one of the cutest things on planet earth. They are curious, and trying to understand the meaning of 'no'. Look at that angelic face...

Would you believe me if I told you that this cute little girl is one of the most demanding person I have EVER met? She's the baby and she knows it.

Would you believe it if I told you she was the most selfish child I have ever met? She never shares her goldfish OR candy with me... (that's her 'boyfriend' in the picture, she won't even share him!)

Would you believe that she is the biggest story teller I have ever met? Her piggy tail was cold in this picture. She has snakes, spiders and crocodiles live under her bed-that's why she has to sleep someplace else. Sometimes the oven wakes her and she has to come see what everyone else is doing. Sometimes she starts a conversation with "Guys, I've got a story to tell you."

Would you believe me if I told you I love this little girl so much? I love the way she laughs and smiles. I love her stories, her demanding and selfish little ways. I love the way she calls me 'shanna' and the way she puts her hands on her hips. I love her little chubby cheeks. I do not love that she's already three years old. I love you, Anna Banana!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

If God is real, why do bad things happen to good people?

The question is asked every day. Someone loses faith, because their circumstances are overwhelming and the pain cuts deep. Why would a God so wonderful allow such things to happen? Doesn't He know what is going on in this world? Of course God knows.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of
your Father.

Matthew 10:29

The thing everyone forgets is this: He did something to provide for His people, the ones who are 'good' in the world's eyes. The ones who love Him. He sent His One and Only beloved Son to earth, to die a pain-filled death, so we sin-filled humans may be redeemed. Do you think God did not grieve as He listened to His own Son's voice cried towards the Heavens? Begging Him that His cup would be taken from Him? Jesus died that death to offer us a life in a perfect world, with no tears, no death, no broken hearts, no darkness. He gave us hope for the life to come, though we are living in a uncomplete, frustrating world. He told us to hold on, to run the race with endurance until He came for us and carried us into a life of perfection. Jesus was aware that bad things happen. While He lived in this world He brought miracles to the houses of the dying, healed the blind so they could see the beauty of the earth, He gave peace to the weary, He replaced the emptiness in the destitutes heart with overwhelming love. Jesus gave Himself to heal a dark and broken world, even while many scoffed at Him. This isn't a God forsaken world, this is a world that has forsaken the beauty of Christ's love for us. A world that rejects it's King and insults it's Creator. While we continue to believe that change is possible without His grace and love. Bad things do happen to good people, but we must realize that not one person is completely good. We all have sinned and don't deserve to be lifted from the darkness. But with His forgiveness and beauty, He will bring us into a new life. A life where we will lift our voices and sing filled with the joy we had never experienced before. A life where we will run and never grow weary. A life of perfection. A life we long for here on earth, as we believe in presidents to bring the change our aching souls are wanting. No man can ever fullfill what the Son of God did. The Son of God is the change. The Son of God is the only One that can bring a change. Persevere through the brokenness, one day because of His grace, everything will be changed-forever. Jesus, I love you.